In our next unit of study, the children will expand upon their current knowledge and discover the importance of water and how water helps people and our environment.
Some of the questions we will explore are:
What do we know about water and what would we like to find out?
What are different ways to use water?
How can water change?
How does water help people and the environment?
Things You Can Do At Home
-Sink and Float. Grab a bowl or bucket and fill it with water. Find some items around your home and test whether or not these items will sink or float in water. Have your child predict or make a guess of what each item will do before testing.
-Have a conversation of how you use water daily in your home (washing dishes, drinking water, washing hands, cooking, etc.) Take a picture of you and your child using water at home and send it to your child's teacher to share with the class.
-Ice Painting. Grab an ice tray and fill it with water and some paint or food coloring. After it's frozen, examine the ice with your child and explore what happens when you use the ice on paper.